Thursday, June 18, 2015

Instagram is a Sales Tool? Really?

Yep, Instagram really works as a sales tool. Although, the sales may not come in a way you’d expect. Let me explain …

I’m a blessed man! I’m married to my best friend, we have amazing kids, everyday I get paid to do work I love, my business is growing and I’m truly making a difference.

In 2015, it’s been a goal to give back in some unique ways. One was by creating an Instagram account called Mr.ScoMo that is loaded with content to inspire and motivate others, especially Entrepreneurs.


Little did I realize that I was also creating a sales tool. Here are a few of the things that have happened because of Mr.ScoMo:

    • I’ve been interviewed on multiple podcasts

    • Dozens of individuals have opted in to my free reports (Maybe even you!)

    • Multiple individuals have purchased sponsorship opportunities from me. This has created thousands of dollars of revenue for me and my clients!

    • I’ve made many new contacts in my industry

    • I’m actively finding gigs for a the speakers I’ve connected with on Instagram

And the strange part is that I don’t openly talk about what I do. Instead I try to be a motivator helping others achieve their goals; regardless of what their goals are. But by being me, I’ve been able to attract new business. How cool is that!

This is all on top of my original purpose which was to motivate and inspire others. Plenty of that has happened as well! A few times a week someone reaches out to me thanking me for the account or asking for some help, guidance, or direction. It may be just one Instagram account, but it is making a difference in the lives of some.

So, here are my invitations for you:

  • Follow my account at @Mr.ScoMo

  • Share it with someone else who may be inspired by it’s content

  • Get active on Instagram. Share images of what you do or create pictures with a quote laying over the top

  • Engage with your followers and others in the Instagram community.

If you are on Instagram, let me know. I’ll be happy to plug your account from mine!


To YOUR success,


ScoMo Scott Morrison

Instagram is a Sales Tool? Really?

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Where Your Clients Hang Out

What if you could go to a place where you were surrounded by people who are your ideal customer?networkingeventprepare

Most businesses are busy looking for the one-off sale. Meaning, they identify a prospect and attempt to sell their product/service to them.

Instead of only looking for individuals to sell to, you should also find places where your customers are already hanging out.

How much easier would it be to get new clients?

These places could be anywhere. Social Media sites, online groups or forums, networking events and trade shows.

Do you know where your clients are hanging out?

At live events, you can network your way through the audience or you may be able to speak in front of the whole group. Speaking comes in many shapes & sizes including:

    • Main Stage Keynote

    • Breakout Session

    • Hosting a Luncheon

    • Being a Panelist

Every time you speak, you’re making an impression on your prospects. They are learning about you and your company. They are learning how you can help them.

If you sponsor the event, you’ll likely have a booth or tabletop where attendees can meet with you one on one. This again is a great way to generate new leads and make sales.

Do you have events schedule to attend,

speak at and sponsor for the remainder of 2015? 


If not, I’d be happy to help you out!

To YOUR success,

Scott Morrison

Where Your Clients Hang Out