Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Define your perfect day

Having a clearly defined “Perfect Day” is one of the keys to creating the life that you want … yet nearly NO ONE takes the time to do this.
If you’d like to see how it can change you world, then check out: www.ScottDMorrison.com/clarity

Define your perfect day

Good things come to those who hustle

Good things come to those who hustle

Entrepreneurship: Working to create the life you want

Work hard now to create the life that you want. There are no shortcuts … just good ole fashion work.
First get clear on what you want.
Then outline the steps you need to take in order to make it a reality.
Finally, don’t stop until you get there.
It’s really that simple!

Entrepreneurship: Working to create the life you want

Be up and running

Admittedly, I’m not a morning person. I LOVE my sleep. But, when I have a project I’m passionate about, I find myself motivated to get up early and get moving.

How early did you get up today? Was before your competition?


Be up and running

Still Grinding?

It’s well past midnight here in the Eastern timezone of the US. I want to make sure I’m not the only one still going! Who else is still up and cranking on your business

Still Grinding?

Never forget what you have

Happy Thanksgiving! Be sure to spend time today focusing on the things you’re grateful for!

Never forget what you have

I plan on Sunday so I can crush you on Monday

Don’t just show up tomorrow hoping for a great week. Plan for it. Use Sunday wisely. Get some rest, but also spend time planning for the week ahead.

I plan on Sunday so I can crush you on Monday

Don't wish for it. Work for it.

Don't wish for it. Work for it.

Ideas are Great. Execution is Greater

Ideas are Great. Execution is Greater

Never Ever, Ever, Ever Give Up

Did you know the only way to fail is to give up? So why do you? Decide what you want then work until you get it. Yes, it’s really that simple. If you’d like help learning what you want, go to www.ScottDMorrison.com/clarity

Never Ever, Ever, Ever Give Up

Dress How Your Want To Be ADDRESSED

How you look speaks before you do. People notice your appearance first. So, dress the way you’d like them to address you. 

Dress How Your Want To Be ADDRESSED

Time Flies and Your the Pilot

Time Flies and Your the Pilot

Set Your Goals High

Bo Jackson is easily one of my favorite all time athletes. The man was incredible!

His advice here is spot on. In fact, achieving your goals is really this simple. Set your goals high and don’t stop til you get there!

Set Your Goals High

Be So Good They Can't Ignore You

Be so good they can’t ignore you.

Chances are you know the names of all three men pictured! #DanielCraig #Clooney #Damon Why? Because they are amazing at what they do.

Be So Good They Can't Ignore You

It takes a leader to chart the course

A leader does not deserve the name unless he is willing occasionally to stand alone.
Henry A. Kissinger

It takes a leader to chart the course

Thursday, December 11, 2014

How to get followers on Instagram

How to get followers on InstagramIf you’re reading this page, then I’m going to assume a few things about you.

  1. You’re already on Instagram and want to learn how to get more Instagram followers

  2. You’re not exactly sure how to do this and are looking for any tips and guidance to help you

  3. You’re going to check out my account and see how I’m doing

Let me start by saying this, I am by no means an Instagram Expert. If you’ve checked my account, you’ll see I have a modest amount of followers. However, my account is VERY small compared to many of the Instagram Titans. What I’ll share with you here are tips that have helped me grow to this point, what seems to be working best, and tips I’ve learned from the real experts who grew their accounts much larger!

How to get followers on Instagram

1) Hashtags – I really don’t get the whole hashtag thing and frankly I think they’re kinda stupid. However, they’ve been the biggest factor in gaining followers on Instagram.

These are essentially your keywords …  the words that your target followers will be searching for. When you use a keyword in a post or comment, it will appear in the search for that keyword within Instagram.

Here’s how to use them … Instagram will allow for up to 30 keywords in each post. Once you post something, then add your keywords as a comment, not in the main post. This way you can delete later and then add more keywords. (Still up to 30 total in that post)

I’ll generally post something with my top 10 keywords. Then, a few hours later I’ll add a comment with 5-10 more keywords. A few hours later, I’ll delete the added keywords and then add more. I’ll do this a few times or until Instagram doesn’t allow me to add more to that post.

NOTE: How hashtags work seems to be a moving target. So, don’t be surprised if Instagram changes how keywords work later.

2) Branding / Theme – if you really want to grow your account, then you need a specific brand for it. Just posting pictures of your family and friends or what you’re eating won’t amount to a huge follower base. (unless you’re a Kardashian.)

Instead, be very specific on your branding image. What message do you want to convey? What do you want people to get out of following your account? Why are you using Instagram?

When someone sees your post and is considering following you, they will likely look back at many of your older posts. I know this because I’ll frequently see a few older posts liked by someone, then that person follows me.

So, the overall look of your account is key.

Here are some examples:

My account is all about motivation. I post messages that are motivational for Entrepreneurs, Small Business Owners, Coaches, Speakers, Athletes, and anyone else who wants to me more AWESOME !

@Shonda1020 – Fitness for busy Mom’s

@AgentSteven – Edgy motivational messages.

@amazingcars247 – High res picks of cars

3) Mention Similar Accounts – This may sound like you’re helping out the competition, and frankly you are. But, I’ve found that Instagram is a very open and helpful community. Frequently as I check out my Instagram stream, I’ll see a post that inspires me. I’ll then create my own post, using that post as inspiration. When I post it, I’ll say something like “Inspired by @ACCOUNTNAME”

Nearly always, that person will like my post, comment, follow me and occasionally will do the same in return.

I look at it this way …. the more I give, the more i’ll receive.

Also, most of the time when I do this, individuals who follow the other account will see my post and then follow my account.

4) Consistency – You need to post on a regular basis. It’s a marathon to attract a larger following, not a sprint. I’ve found that posting  at least 1-2 times per day seems to work best.

So there you have it, 4 tips on how to get followers on Instagram.

Bonuses: There are ton of Instagram tools. Here are my favorites:

Canva – a free to use desktop app that is incredible! They have a ton of built in template. This is for you Photoshop dummies out there (me!)

Word Swag – iPhone app to create awesome content. I’m sure there are many great Android apps. Sorry, I don’t know what they are.

Latergramme – Super easy to use tool to schedule posts. I try to always have 2 weeks of content scheduled through Latergramme

IconoSquare – Another FREE tool! This will help you monitor your Instagram Stats

If you’d like to schedule a free call with me about growing your Instagram account, feel free to request one here.

Monday, December 8, 2014

My Interview on the Art of Adventure Podcast

Recently I was interviewed by my friend Derek Loudermilk for the Art of Adventure podcast. We talked about a whole range of topics including family/work balance, sponsorships, success, and so much more. Take a listen at the bottom of this post.

Here are a few of the things you’d learn.

  • Which book can turn your life in a totally new and amazing direction

  • How relationship building skills are the key to business building, along with lots of hustle and drive

  • How to be open to feedback

  • How to track your goals

  • How to leverage your existing audience to grow your business

  • What you need to have when you approach a sponsor – demographic and psychographic information

  • One easy way to get a sponsor: start by being an affiliate for your potential future sponsor. Take initiative ahead of time to prove you can get results for them

Or, you can download the episode in iTunes here: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/the-art-of-adventure-podcast/id925072849






My Interview on the Art of Adventure Podcast

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Thanksgiving 2014

Happy Thanksgiving!Never let the things you want

Today, I’m celebrating in Arizona with family and friends! Last week my wife and I drove here Arizona with our 5 kids from Florida, so I suppose I’m most thankful that we made it here without killing each other! lol

Recently I posted this saying Instagram:

Never let the things you want make you forget the things you have.

Too often, we only focus on what we want to get or to achieve. And far too often we don’t take time to focus on what we already have. I know I’m VERY guilty of this.

So here’s my challenge to you (and to me!) Starting today and through the entire month of December, take time every day to write down five things you are thankful for that day. Write it in you phone, a Word Doc or in a journal. it doesn’t really matter. But, take a few minutes each day to do this.

As you do, take a few moments to pause and think about what you are grateful for these things. As you do this, you’ll find that you’ll be more focused on gratitude than you probably are right now.

I want to thank you for taking the time to read this blog. It’s my missions to inspire you to be happy, achieve your dreams and to live an abundant life. Being grateful will help you along this journey!

To YOUR success!


Thanksgiving 2014

Monday, November 24, 2014

Why You Should Make Bold Moves

Three months ago, I made a bold move. I resigned from a high-paying Executive level position, at a 5-time Inc. 500 company, run by one of my friends … to start my own business (again.)


It was thrilling and terrifying. But, it was the right move.


Today, I’ll share another small piece of evidence that this was the right move.


For years I’ve helped events & brands secure Sponsors and Strategic Partnerships. 


My favorite event was Infusionsoft’s ICON event. Each year, I sold a few hundred thousand dollars of sponsors into this event. For me, ICON was ‘home.’ But, while working in the Executive position, I couldn’t support ICON. :-(


Today, I’m in Chandler, AZ getting started again on supporting the InfusionCon Sponsorship effort! It’s good to be ‘home.’


The 2015 event will be the largest ever. We’ll have around 4,000 Entrepreneurs and Small Business owners descend on Phoenix, AZ in the beginning of April.


And we’ll again generate a few hundred thousand dollars of InfusionCon sponsorship revenue for the event.


The moral of the story … follow your dreams and heart!


While assisting with ICON, I’ll be working with numerous company’s that support small business & Entrepreneurs. Perhaps a few will be a good fit to sponsor your event or brand too!

And I’m still running my one-on-one coaching program. I now only have 3 spots left. If you’re interested in one, let me know here.


To YOUR success, 


PS … the motivational Instagram account I told you about last week is BLOWING UP! If you haven’t followed it yet, click here.

Why You Should Make Bold Moves

Thursday, November 20, 2014

I Know I'm Crazy

Big day for me today! Right now I’m about half way into our drive from Florida to Arizona (no need to remind me that I’m crazy. I KNOW IT!)

I made a stop in Austin, TX to visit my client Boot Campaign. We’re working on a project called Pushups for Charity!

Pushups for Charity is an annual national movement dedicated to raise funds through fitness for support services for our nation’s military heroes. Next spring and summer hundreds of Pushup events will be held at various small business, schools and other organizations around the country. We’ll cap this off with a Final Push event at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, DC.

Last year we had Nissan as our Title Sponsor and a ton of media coverage including a few features on Fox and Friends.

This year, we’re working on a handful of exciting Corporate Sponsorships for the campaign. We also have a few major celebrities on-board (can’t tell you who they are yet.)

As I work on this, I still have just a few slots open for my one-on-one coaching program. if you’re interested, please let me know here. I’d love to work with you.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

My Success Secret

For years, I’ve had a ‘secret’ to success.

There is something I’ve made it a habit of doing, that has helped me.


Daily, I’ve filled my mind with motivational & inspirational quotes, videos, articles, stories, music … anything!


When I make it a habit of viewing these, I find myself more in the groove of life. More things are happening right and I’m certainly more motivated.


When I’m out of the habit, over time I notice that I’m missing an edge.


So, why am I telling you this?


My purpose in life is to inspire others to be happy, achieve their dreams and to live an abundant life.


To further fulfill this purpose I’ve created media to share with others with the intent to inspire them. These are messages that I’ve read and repeated countless times over the past few years. 


I’m putting these in two public places and invite you to check them out.


Place 1: On this website is a new page called Daily Motivation. It’s found at: www.scottdmorrison.com/motivation. Here you can download these images to share and/or subscribe to have them emailed to you.


Place 2: On my Instagram account at @scomobiz. Right now, I’m adding multiple images a day. Please take a second to follow the account.


I ask also that you to share one or both of these with someone else. Who else do you know that could use an extra boost of motivation?


I’m very serious about my purpose to inspire others. Fill your mind with the right thoughts and good things will happen to you!


To YOUR success,

My Success Secret

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Surround yourself with those on the same mission as you

Who you spend time with is who you will become. Surround yourself with the people you’d like to be more like.

Surround yourself with those on the same mission as you

Things come to those who hustle

Love this quote I found from Honest Abe. Hustle to get what you want!



Things come to those who hustle

Put in the work, the results will come

If I learned one thing growing up watching Michael Jordan, it’s to not doubt him! In this case he’s absolutely right! Put in the work, the results will come!

Put in the work, the results will come

Adversity is the Road to Success

A few months ago I had the pleasure to spend some time with Joe DeSena who is the Founder of Spartan Race. He has a unique view on life which is all around shifting your perspective and grit. The man is all about hard work. Pick up his book Spartan Up and read it. I promise you that when you’re done you’ll be motivated to accomplish ANYTHING you want!

Adversity is the Road to Success

I Can't Accept Not Trying

I grew up in Chicago in the mid-90’s … where Michael Jordan was KING! His ambition, commitment to excellence, and work ethic have always been an example to me. I agree with MJ here. “I can accept failure, but I can’t accept not trying” There is nothing worse that giving up on something you didn’t give your full effort to. DON’T DO IT! Someday, you’ll regret it!


I Can't Accept Not Trying

Sometimes You're Lost Heading In The Right Direction

Even when you feel lost, you may still be headed in the right direction! How many times has something great happened to you because you thought you were lost? Probably too many to count.

Sometimes You're Lost Heading In The Right Direction

Stop Waiting For Things To Happen

What are you making happen today?

Stop Waiting For Things To Happen

Change Your Thoughts And You Change Your World

“If you want to change the world, change what’s going on inside of your head.” Thoughts from my good friend Pete Cohen at NPE’s MEGA TRAINING.

Change Your Thoughts And You Change Your World

How to get clear

Do you know what you want in your life or in your business? Are you REALLY clear about it? The question I’ve been asked most from other entrepreneurs is how do I figured out what I want to do? With the Power of Clarity on your side, a whole new world will open up for you! There are four simple steps to getting clear. They are: Start with Why Define your Perfect Day Create your BHAG Take Action.

If you’d like to be more clear on what you want, then check out www.ScottDMorrison.com/clarity

How to get clear

Wake up with Determination

Such a simple formula to live by! Wake up with DETERMINATION! What are you going to accomplish today? What would you going to get done? How will you progress? How will you help? Then it’s time to … HUSTLE! If you do that, you’ll then Go to bed with SATISFACTION! Live EVERY day this way, you’ll accomplish your goals!

Wake up with Determination

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

The Power of Clarity

Do you know where you’re headed? Or are you lost and unsure of what you want out of life? I know I’ve been there … many times actually. When you unlock The Power of Clarity, a whole new world will open up for you!

The Power of ClarityThe other day I was interviewed by my new friend Derek Loudermilk for the Art of Adventure podcast. It was a lot of fun. I shared a few stories about my journey and since then the same topic keeps coming to mind. That’s the “Power of Clarity”.

If you are not clear on where you’re going then all of your daily actions are likely wastes of time. Think about it, would you ever get on a plane if you didn’t know where it was headed? Of course not. There is always a plan regarding where and when the plane will land.

So, why are you living your life without know where you’re going?

For years, I struggled with this. I didn’t know what I wanted to do with my life.

Then I realized that I was looking at it wrong. I was trying to find a career that would define me rather than letting who I am and what I’ve accomplished define me. I thought I should be happy being an Engineer, or an Executive, or an Accountant, or an Employee. But, that just wasn’t me. I like variety and change. I like solving problems. I like a fast paced life.

So I gained clarity …. I am an Entrepreneur!

Great! Now what?

Well, that wasn’t enough. What did I want to do with my life? What did I want a typical day to look like? What did I want to accomplish? How would I accomplish it?

You see, I think we’re all in search of that … what do we want to accomplish?

So, getting clarity means getting really clear on that … what do YOU want to accomplish?

In my work, I help brands accomplish very specific initiatives. Often it’s with an event that has a specific set of purposes.

With NPE’s MEGA TRAINING events we brought the community together and upgrade a certain amount of clients into the VIP program.

With Infusionsoft’s ICON event it was to empower Entrepreneurs and spread brand awareness of Infusionsoft

With the Boot Campaign, it was to raise money for the American Troops.

You see, these brands and events are very clear on what was to be accomplished.

So should you! Be clear on what you want in life. What do you want to accomplish?

Success starts with a clear vision of what you wantUnlock The Power of Clarity

I’ve been asked about this topic more than any other during my entrepreneurial adventure. I can’t tell you how many friends, family members, clients, and even strangers have in one way or another asked for help in getting clear on what they want.

They tell me that they don’t know what to do with their life. They aren’t sure how they’ll provide for their family. They are stuck at their job and want out, but don’t know how.

Often I need to tell them to pull up their big boy pants and follow what their gut is telling them even though it’s scary.

And by the way … this may very well be scary for you. Three times in my career I’ve left a good paying corporate job to pursue my own venture because that was what my gut was telling me to do. Was I scared?  YES!!!!  But I did it any way. And in all three cases I immediately felt better about life when I was clear about what I wanted and was on the path to getting there.

You see, when you lack clarity you also lack a few other key ingredients … focus and confidence.

How can you be focused on getting to your destination if you don’t even know where you are going?

How can you feel confident if you don’t have clarity on what you’re trying to achieve?

You can’t!

Let me give you a few specific steps on how to get clear.

Step 1: Start with Why

Now, for many of my readers the statement ‘Start with Why; is going to sound very familiar. And that’s because it’s not my statement. Simon Sinek is probably best known in this generation for using the moniker ‘Start with Why’.

You need to understand why you are living before you can figure out where you want to go. In your business, you need to understand why you are in business before you can define where you’d like the business to go.

This is something I’ve struggled with. My ‘why’ is my family. But for some reason I never thought this was enough. I’d read and hear about entrepreneurs who wanted to change the world or wanted to solve world hunger or poverty. I think those are great causes, but I was always more concerned about first taking care of my family.

Somewhere along the way I realized that this was enough. Providing for, teaching, leading, and inspiring my five kids and my wife was plenty enough “why.”

So they are my Why! They are why I get up in the morning, pull up my big boy pants and get to work. They are why when I wake up at 2 AM with a crazy yet brilliant idea I hurry down the hall to my office, sit down at the computer, and start working on that crazy/brilliant idea.

It’s so I can provide for them. And so I can teach them. And so I can inspire them. Because I have five kids that means I have five chances on helping forge leaders of tomorrow. My kids can be change agents. They can continue to make the world a better place. And how are they going to learn to do that? By watching their Dad. Not that I always do the right thing, but rather learning from my experiences. How much would they learn if I went to work every day and hated what I did? Not much. But if every day I live life with a fierce passion to do good, to help others and to provide for those in my care, than imagine the lessons they’ll learn!

Here is your first assignment, watch this video from Simon Sinek. It’s only a few minutes long. Watch it and figure out what your Why is!


Now it’s time for you to figure out your why. Here’s my advice … what ever is showing up in your mind and in your gut as you read this is your why. Go with it.

To give you an example, here are my Whys:

To lead, teach, support and inspire my family. To honor God with the gifts He has blessed me with and to serve others on their path in life.

What is your Why?

Step 2: Define what your perfect day looks likeDefine what your perfect day looks like

Now that you’re empowered with your Why, you need to start thinking about how you’ll accomplish it. The following exercise is the best I know of to help you start accomplishing your why and creating a life you love!

Start thinking about what you want a typical day to look like? Throw out the window what you think you have to do. Chances are what you think you have to do is not really a priority.

Instead, I want you to think about what type of day will make you excited to get up in the morning.

Let’s first talk about why this is important and then I’ll tell you how to do it

I used to be stuck with the mentality that my day was always defined by my work. Meaning, I needed to be up by 6:30 AM so I could get ready for the day, drive to the office and be at my desk by 8:00. Then I’d work throughout the day and I’d have to stay until 5 PM because that was what the boss told me to do. Who cared if I could accomplish my work in less time.

Did you know that you could actually plan how you wanted your day to go? Don’t live your life based on someone else’s agenda. Be respectful, but remember you’re here to accomplish your why.

This is usually where I lose my friends. They are so stuck in the employee mentally of only doing what they are told to do that they forget to think for themselves. That’s not how we came into the world. (I know this … remember I have five kids?)

Throw out the window what your boss has told you about when you need to be at work. Instead, define a day wrapped around activities that will help you accomplish your why. (Remember this is an exercise, so try it.)

If you don’t define how you’d like your day to go, then it’ll simply go the way the ‘current wants’ to take you. And chances are that won’t get you to a place where you will be happy.

How to define your perfect day

Let me bring in one of my mentors Lewis Howes here. For years, I had in my head a typical day that I wanted to live. But, Lewis was the one who taught me how to early define it and then to live by it.

Here’s what he taught me. Pull out a piece of paper or open a text document on your computer where you can type. Write out what your perfect day would look like. You can either write in paragraph form or by using bullet points. Either way, be descriptive. List out when you get up, who you’re with, and what you are doing throughout the day. Again, this is YOUR perfect day so be descriptive about what YOU want.

Next, take what you wrote and place hour markers through out the day. So, for example at 6:30 you get up, at 8:00am you workout at the gym, etc.

 Download a Perfect Day Sample –>(This includes a sample and a worksheet so you can create your own Perfect day)

You’ll never live life by your perfect day standards if you never define what your perfect day is.

Once you have this defined take steps to start making your perfect day a reality.

Step 3: The BHAG

It’s impossible to get clear on what you want without having a specific goal. What is one accomplishment that would change everything else?

In the book Built to Last, Jim Collins introduced the idea of the BHAG. The Big Hairy Audacious Goal. Collins talked about this for a business, but the principle also applies to an individual.

A true BHAG is clear and compelling. It serves as a focal point of your effort and acts as a clear catalyst for you.

Don’t think of this as the one goal you’ll have for the rest of your life. This should be big and scary to you, but also attainable.

Think about those people on the Extreme Weight Loss Shows. Their BHAG’s are to lose 100 pounds! I’m sure that’s scary to them; but it’s also achievable.

For many, this goal is financial like earning a certain amount or paying off debt

Or it may be a health and fitness goal

It could be a lifestyle goal like earning X amount of dollars while only working Y hours in a week.

As with all goals, be sure to set a deadline and make them specific.

Let’s say you’d like to be getting into the best shape of your life. Then define what that means and then set a deadline. For example, by July 15th, I will weigh 175 pounds and be able to run a mile in under eight minutes.

Once you have a clear goal, post it in a place where you will see it frequently every day.

Now, back to Lewis Howes for a second. Lewis has a Podcast called the School of Greatness. Take a few minutes to listen to his Podcast about Clarity. He gives instructions on the Perfect Day exercise and some other tips on getting clear.

Step 4: Take Action EVERY SINGLE DAY

Now that you have your Why identified, your Perfect Day outlined and your BHAG created, it’s really time to get to work.

Since you have a focus, your work should be easier.

I’m sorry to say, that I don’t know of any secrets on how to make your BHAG a reality other than through hard work … and generally speaking, lots of it

I put EVERY SINGLE DAY in all capital letters because you have to work for it EVERY SINGLE DAY … even on the weekends. And on holidays. And especially on days that you don’t feel like .

Take your BHAG and write out all of the things that would need to happen in order for the BHAG to become a reality. Now break these down into actionable items.

Let’s use weight loss as an example again and your BHAG is to lose 50 pounds over the next year. List all of the things you’d need to do … create a daily healthy menu, track calories every day, workout daily, walk 10,000 steps daily, etc.

Once you have your list, categorize this into items you need to do monthly, weekly and daily. Then, DO THEM!

It’s important to have a way to track if you’ve completed your goals or not. I’ve used a spreadsheet for years to track these activities (Nerd Alert!)

Recently though I’ve found a great app called Lyft that does the trick. You can download it here: https://www.lyft.com/app

This leads into habits and I’ll write about that at another time. If you’d like to be notified on when I post the habit article, please let me know here:

There you have it. The specific steps on getting clear. Start with Why. Define what your perfect day looks like. Create a BHAG. Then, take action EVERY SINGLE DAY.

I’d love to hear how you’re doing on this. Please leave a comment on this page or feel free to Contact Me here. Also, if you need help, feel free to ask for it!

To YOUR success!


PS – Please let me know if this article helped you, share it with someone else who you think it would help.







The Power of Clarity

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Who to focus on …

As I’ve built my business, I’ve struggled with focusing from time to time. There is so much to do. Who and what should I focus on?

There is so much I COULD do. I can work one-on-one with clients, I can build a product, I can sell or consult…oh and what about social media?!


I know many of you like me have ‘Shiny Object Syndrome.’ Meaning you chase the shiny object because it’s exciting.

And, yes it is exciting … but it’s also the path to FAILURE. On top of that, all of these ideas often lead to inaction.

Have you ever felt paralyzed because you had too many ideas and were not sure which to pursue first? I sure have.

Let me share with you what you should focus on. This isn’t my unique idea. It comes from one of my favorite books “Shift Your Mind Shift the World” by Steve Chandler.

“I want to focus on the end user of my service. It’s a surefire way out of self-doubt. It’s a way out of fear – to focus on the end user.

Think about the person out there in life who is longing to receive your service; someone who would really benefit from your E-book, or from your consoling or your product. Someone who would really benefit if you communicated with them and game them what you had. Keep your focus on them because that will get you back into action.” (Page. 15)

So start there; get a clear vision of the person out there who NEEDS what you offer. The person who would consider your arrival an answer to a prayer.

Now, what would you say to that person? How would you talk to them? What would you share? What would you offer?

More importantly, what would you give them first?

If it’s advice, then write an e-book or blog post containing the information you would share with them.

If instead you would provide them a service, then find someone you can provide that service for. Search online for individuals you could help and serve. Then CALL THEM and offer your services.

In other words, take action … because taking action is the ONLY way you’ll be able to accomplish your goals.


Who to focus on …

Friday, October 17, 2014

This Doesn't Happen Very Often

I couldn’t tell you the last time this has happened to me! I have some extra bandwidth right now and can to pick up an extra client or two.

Seriously, this hasn’t happened for years! My wife’s excited about it. She keeps adding to my “Honey Do-List”. HELP ME!

I’m wrapping up work for a major client that has taken much my focus for nearly 2 years! We set up some killer Sponsorship Programs and Strategic Alliances. That company is positioned to scale & grow for years to come!

Now, I’d like to do the same for other brands. Here are some of the things I can help you with:

  • Create and sell Sponsorship packages for your event, podcast, property or brand

  • Build Partnership programs to attract the right Strategic Alliances to generate new leads, sales & revenue

  • Turn your ideas into reality … more specifically help you determine which of your ideas you should pursue and how to ensure they are successful

  • Install the right systems & processes to ensure your company is ready to scale & grow

If you’d like to explore how we can work together, please contact me by completing this form.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Weekly Roundup for Oct. 7

I frequently run across all sorts of cool things. Some of it is business related and some isn’t.

Each week, I post a handful of tools or great content that peaks my interested. I don’t write a full summary on these. Instead, I posts things that I find interesting and encourage you to check them out.

Great tools I bumped into this week

Canva – best free online tool I’ve found for making images and texts for social media

Iconosquare – great resource for Instagram stats. Find out what your followers are liking and when so you can privde them with better content. Measure key metrics about your Instagram account.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Wake up with DETERMINATION - Go to bed with SATISFACTION

Such a simple formula to live by! Wake up with DETERMINATION!

What are you going to accomplish today?

What would you going to get done?

How will you progress?

How will you help?

Then it’s time to … HUSTLE!

If you do that, you’ll then Go to bed with SATISFACTION!

Live EVERY day this way, you’ll accomplish your goals!



Wake up with DETERMINATION - Go to bed with SATISFACTION

Monday, September 29, 2014

Weekly Roundup for Sept 29

I frequently run across all sorts of cool things. Some of it is business related and some isn’t.

Each week, I post a handful of tools or great content that peaks my interested. I don’t write a full summary on these. Instead, I posts things that I find interesting and encourage you to check them out.

FullSizeRenderWhat a week! I spent the better part of it at MEGA TRAINING 2014. MEGA TRAINING is the world’d number 1 event for fitness business leaders and is run by my client NPE. There we teach these entrepreneurs the systems and tools to explode their fitness businesses. My team sold all the sponsors for the event and was onsite to take care of them. What a weekend!

One of the highlights of the event was a glass walking exercise. During a presentation from my good friend Billy Beck, every attendee has the opportunity to talk across a pile of sharp broken glass. This was to help you conquer your fears and to be in present. It was a great experience. To the right is a picture of me walking across the broken glass.

For this Weekly Roundup, I wanted to share with you the company’s who sponsored this event. These company’s have solutions for Small Business Owners. I’m sure many of them can help you!

Brands for all Small Business Owners

Infusionsoft – Small Business Sales & Marketing software – It’s incredible. If you’re a small business owner, you should consider using Infusionsoft

GroSocial – Awesome Social Media tool! Get more fans and leads with branding, social promotions & contests!

Tax Alli – Small business accounting made awesome, easy and cheap!

Sixth Division – The firm that makes Infusionsoft easy.

Plus This – Do more with Infusionsoft – A must have tool for Infusionsoft users.


Nutrition Brands for everyone

Organo Gold – Premium healthy coffee with a healthy kick!

Tao Nutrition – A Natural Protein Powder for Men & Women that is rich in Superfoods and is Perfect for Recovery.

Brands for Fitness Entrepreneurs

Startup Active – They create the BEST websites for fitness businesses.

CHEK Institute – Exercise education and fitness products for strength and conditioning experts, rehabilitation specialists, personal trainers and fitness experts.

ZenPlanner – Custom scheduling software for your gym

Balanced Habits – A program for trainers to reach their clients goals faster & safer.

Global Bodyweight Training – The home of the Bodyweight Athlete, with videos, articles, workshops and fitness equipment to bring your fitness to

Sport & Fitness Insurance – Insurance services for gyms and personal trainers.

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Don't wish ... DO

STOP IT! Stop sitting around wishing your dreams come true. Stop wishing you have the body, the business, or the relationship that you want.

Too many people do this. They wish, then they wait. When it doesn’t happen, that wish and wait some more.

How stupid is that!

Instead … DO

What are you here to do?

What is your purpose?

What ever it is … DO IT

Don’t wish … Just DO!!!

So, I’ll ask you, what are you doing today?


Don't wish ... DO

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Where do I start when looking for sponsors?

A few weeks ago, I received this question on LinkedIn …

Basically I am looking for any insight in where to start raising sponsorship dollars. I am doing this solo bike ride from SF to LA to promote Men’s Health. Before I started training about 2 months ago, was never of a bike for more then 5 miles. I am shooting to complete this 500 mile ride in 4 days.

Not being a bike rider I have found that the bike alone is fairly expensive as well as the equipment. I was curious if gaining sponsorship for this type of event is possible/probable and if so where should I start. I have about 4 months until the event so time is starting to run out.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

 First off, how awesome is that! Here is someone looking to make a significant difference. I can’t imagine riding 500 miles in a month, let alone 4 days. He’s a better man than I am!

My Response:

Great work Justin!

The first thing you need to do is decide what you have to offer a potential sponsor. These are your assets. Some examples are:

  • Logo on clothing you’ll wear

  • Logo and description for the sponsor on your website

  • Social media mentions

  • Sending an email to your contact list

  • Media exposure you can give to the sponsor

In other words, how will you get exposure for your sponsor. That’s what they are after. Sponsors want a way to communicate that they have something valuable to offer to your audience. How are you going to facilitate that communication?

Once you determine your assets, it’s time to start finding sponsors.

There are a TON of ways to do this. I recommend starting with your network. Find out who has a product or service that your audience can benefit from. Also, the internet is your friend here. There are many places online to find Sponsors.

For more info, download this free report.  Top 3 Resources for Getting Sponsors

If you’d like some one on one help, feel free to contact me here.

Where do I start when looking for sponsors?

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

7 Things I Learned in my 1st Month of Chasing a Dream Full Time

About a month ago, I resigned from a full time Vice President role to pursue my dream of building a Sponsorship and Strategic Alliance business. (I wrote about this a bit in this post)

For full disclosure … this isn’t the first time i’ve done this. In fact, this is the third time I’ve resigned from a  job to build my own business!

Time 1: I left a massive corporate to sell Real Estate with my wife. It went well … until the 2007 Real Estate bubble burst. We had 13 listings that wouldn’t sell. it was by all account an epic failure and likely the most humbling experience of my life.

Time 2: I left a small but rapidly growing business (Infusionsoft) to try my hand at consulting and later into Sponsorship. It went amazingly well! After a few years, one of my clients hired me on for a to help build their company. Now that I’ve wrapped up that project, it’s on to ….

Time 3: I was the right hand man to the CEO of the company I just completed my work with. I’m now working to rebuild my Sponsorship and Strategic Alliance business. So far so good, and I’ll keep you posted on the progress through this blog.

Anyway, I’ve taken some time to reflect on the things I’ve learned over this past month. Here are a few:

1) Start with your mission and purpose.
You need direction. Your mission and purpose will always by your guide. Why are you chasing this dream? What is it’s purpose? Where are you going? These are key points to clearly understand. All of your decisions should come through the lens of your mission and purpose.

I’ll use my mission and purpose as examples for you.

PURPOSE: My purpose is to inspire people be happy, achieve their dreams, and to live an abundant life.

MISSION: My professional mission (I have a personal mission too!) is to create a marketplace that generates $10M of partner & sponsor revenue by the end of 2017.

2) Take 100% responsibility for your life
This month, I’ve been reminded a ton about the first principle of Jack Canfield’s book The Success Principles. That is to take 100% responsibility for your life! As Jack put it, “If you want to be successful, you have to take 100% responsibility for everything that you experience in your life.” You sure learn how this is true while building a business!

3) Having a plan helps, but expect your plan not to go the way you thought it would
You need to plan. This helps you with guidance and direction. But you also need to be adaptable. Sometimes you’ll expect life to take you down a certain path and you’ll find yourself going down a completely different one. The best advice I can offer is to have a plan, but allow like to take you through what feels right.

4) Working from home is awesome … most of the time
I work from home every day. I’m not stranger to this. I’ve done so for a good chunk of my career. It’s great for all of the reasons you’d imagine; short commute, see the family more, and flexibility. But it’s also a challenge. For example, I was interrupted in the middle of writing this post to help the 2 year who we’re in the middle of potty training.

Working from home takes a good deal of focus, determination and work ethic. If you need to be around others to be successful, then don’t try working from home!

5) Don’t do it by yourself
Perhaps like me you don’t have a partner in the ownership of the business. Yes, I have individuals who assist me, but this is my company. That being said, I’ve recognized the need for mentors, coaches and guides who can help. Don’t try to do everything yourself. Find someone who you can be accountable to to assist you.

6) It’s fun!
I don’t know what else to say other than I find that pursing your dreams is a LOT more fun than pursuing someone else’s!

7) Remember to find balance
When in business building mode, it’s easy to work all of the time. Chances are if you’re building a company you are a workaholic. Be sure to find some sort of balance. During the day, take time away from your office. Carve out time in your calendar to be with your family or do something just for fun. I find that if I have lunch with my wife or do something with her in the middle of the day, it makes me MORE productive.

Everyone I know who is building their own business working more than the standard 40 hours each week. But, a benefit is you get to choose which 40 hours in the week you’d like to work!


What’s the one thing you’ve learned about your job or your dream?

7 Things I Learned in my 1st Month of Chasing a Dream Full Time

Monday, September 22, 2014

Weekly Roundup for September 22

I frequently run across all sorts of cool things. Some of it is business related and some isn’t.

Each week, I post a handful of tools or great content that peaks my interested. I don’t write a full summary on these. Instead, I posts things that I find interesting and encourage you to check them out.

America is going back to space! On September 16th, NASA announced that US astronauts will travel to space once more! They’ve partnered with Boeing & SpaceX to create the next generation spacecraft. Pretty cool! here’ s a link to the NASA Press release.

I also thought this image from NASA was pretty cool …

U.S. astronauts once again will travel to and from the International Space Station from the United States on American spacecraft under groundbreaking contracts NASA announced Tuesday. The agency unveiled its selection of Boeing and SpaceX to transport U.S. crews to and from the space station using their CST-100 and Crew Dragon spacecraft, respectively, with a goal of ending the nation’s sole reliance on Russia in 2017.

Image Credit: NASA

I2014-07-28 19.29.12‘m based in Orlando, FL. We’re about an hour from Cape Canaveral where they often launch rockets. Here’s a photo I took from my front yard of a launch in mid-July 2014.

Okay, on to some business tools & content …

Richard Branson on Luck – Speaking of space, here’s a great article form Sir. Richard Brandon on ‘luck’.

Meet Edgar: I haven’t tested this yet, but it looks solid. Edgar is a social media scheduling tool thats allows you to set times when articles will be shared multiple times in the future.

Social HP – I met these guys in Toronto in August. They have a great tools that brings your team together and puts your Facebook sharing on steroids.

Weekly Roundup for September 22

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Walt Disney Quotes for Entrepreneurs

I live about 25 minutes from Disney World in Orlando, FL. We’re close enough that each night at 10pm we can hear the fireworks from the Magic Kingdom exploding in the distance.

We moved here in mid-2013 from Arizona. My 3 older kids are good negotiators (wonder where they got that from), so before they agreed to moved to Florida, I had to promise to buy them Disney Season passes. A few weeks after arriving here in Orlando, we bought the passes and used them 23 times in the first year! IT – WAS – AWESOME!

In all of the Disney theme parks, when they have a section where they are doing construction, they set up a “Dream Builders” sign to help make the area look clean and presentable despite the construction. On each of these is a Walt Disney Quote for Entrepreneurs. Okay, they don’t call them that, but that’s what I consider them to be. Over time, I’ve counted a dozen or so different signs.

One night while at downtown Disney with my 3 older kids, we took pictures of every sign we saw. There were a bunch.

Below are pictures we took. (please forgive the quality of many of the pictures. My 7 year old was snapping many of the pics)

I hope you find these as inspirational as I do. Walt Disney was truly a visionary man. He’s created an incredible legacy and these quotes I imagine give just a glimpse of who he was. I hope they help you along your journey in life!

(Oh … and notice how they’re sponsored by Stanley. See, you can with a little creativity you can find sponsors for a TON of things in your business.) If you need some ideas, download this report here.

Walt Disney Quotes for Entrepreneurs

Walt Disney - There's enough land hereWalt Disney - Get a Good IdeaWalt Disney - Everyone needs deadlines
Walt Disney - You don't build it for yourselfWalt Disney - TogethernessWalt Disney - My wish to delight
Walt Disney - You can dreamWalt Disney - I've wanted to do thingsWalt Disney - Times and conditions change
Walt Disney - I don't want the publicWalt Disney - Most of my life

One other thing. I encourage you to take a trip to a Disney Theme park. They are an incredible experience. If you happen to visit any of the DisneyWorld parks, let me know! I’d love to meet up with you and show you around to some of my favorite spots!

Walt Disney Quotes for Entrepreneurs

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Believe Success Is Your Only Option

What is your definition of success? Do you have one? If not, it’s time to make one.

Once you do, look for the reasons why the world is plotting to make your success become a reality.

Imagine and believe that your success WILL happen and that failure won’t.

Believe success is your only option.

The woman in this picture is Chalene Johnson. She’s an american fitness celebrity and a successful entrepreneur. At one point, NO ONE WOULD HIRE HER! But she didn’t let that stop her.

Today’s she’s known for having one of the most successful fitness infomercials and is a fitness expert.

What’s your limiting belief? Give it up! Instead …

Believe Success Is Your Only Option!

If you’d like to check out an incredible interview of Chalene, check out the Lewis Howes Podcast here.

Believe Success Is Your Only Option

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

5 Ways to Get Sponsors for your Event

So you’re hosting an event. Cool! Do you have a plan to find sponsors? If not, you should.Sponsorship Blimp

Let me show you 5 Resources for Getting Sponsors for your event.

I wrote a free report for the first three which you can download it here.  On the report, I go into greater detail than I will here in this blog.

Plus, I’ll give you two additional resources that will help you find and sign sponsors.

How To Get Sponsors For Your Event

1) Your Network – This is usually the best place to start. Who do you know? Who in your network would love to get their product or service in front of your audience? Chances are, there are many.

Think about it … if you’re hosting a local event there are likely countless businesses in the general are where you’ll host the event. Chances are you know a few of these business owners, or someone you know is connected to some of these them. Contact them. Tell them what you’re up to. Ask them to be a sponsor.

Now, there some more work you’ll need to do to ensure you have something to offer the potential Sponsor. But, download the report here and I’ll show you how to put that together.

2) Your Marketing Assets – Here’s a great question to ask yourself … How do you communicate with your audience? Do you email them, host webinars, meet in person, send them newsletter, etc. List all of the ways you communicate with them. These are many of the things you can offer to a would be sponsor.

Also, they are great ways to find sponsors in your network. The next time you send that newsletter or host a class, ask your audience who they’d like to see sponsor one of your events.

3) The Internet – Sure, this is a very broad place, but the internet is full of all the resources you’ll need to find sponsors. If you’re active in social media, I recommend starting there. Preferably on LinkedIn. There you’ll find groups of like minded individuals. Be active in these groups and offer your Sponsorship opportunities. Don’t SPAM, but do tell people what you’re up to and ask for help.

Two Bonus Resources

4) Hire a Professional – Far and away this is the easiest way to find sponsors … although it’ll cost you some money.  There are many benefits to hiring a Professional. Let me highlight just two …

Reason 1: They have a network of potential sponsors – Any Sponsorship professional who’s done this for a little while will already have a network of potential sponsors. Find a Professional with a network of Sponsors who would fit your event. Hire the professional and they can likely do a better job at filling sponsors than you could on your own

Reason 2: They have experience in selling sponsorships and know the tricks of the trade – Selling Sponsorships is simple … but it isn’t easy. Hiring someone with experience should yield you better results because they’ve done this before. They know well what would-be sponsors want. They should know how to contact them to.

5) Marketing Efforts – How do you already market your business? Social Media? Paid Advertising? Direct Mail? Regardless, these tactics can work to attract sponsors. Follow the same principles, but instead of promoting your product, service or event, promote your sponsorship opportunities.

So there you have it, 5 Resources for Getting Sponsors!

I’d be happy to give you some one on one attention. For a free consultation, fill in the form found on this page.

5 Ways to Get Sponsors for your Event

Monday, September 15, 2014

Weekly Roundup - September 16, 2014

I frequently run across all sorts of cool things. Some of it is business related and some isn’t.

Each week, I post a handful of tools or great content that peaks my interested. I don’t write a full summary on these. Instead, I posts things that I find interesting and encourage you to check them out.

Have you checked out the free U2 album available now on your iTunes device? This was a brilliant way to distribute the album. Every other band out there wishes they could get their latest record into the hands of 500 million people in a matter of minutes.

U2 songs of innocence cover

Check out the ad from Apple Here

Good stuff I found this week:

Lewis Howes Podcast: I’ll likely share info I learned from the Lewis Howes Podcast frequently. Lewis is the creator of the School of Greatness. His podcast interviews are great. Every time I listen to one I learn a ton of great things on life & business. I HIGHLY recommend these!

Track your Twitter Activity: I accidentally found this last week. Twitter offers great insight on the impressions, engagement, & engagement rate of your tweets. Who knows, maybe they’ve done this for years and I’m just late to the party! The URL is: [https://ads.twitter.com/user/TwitterHandle/tweets] Replace the word “TwitterHandle” with your actual Twitter account name.

Unsplash: Get free HD stock photos. Hugh boost for Bloggers! There is a limit on how much you can download, who care?!?! Free photos!!!

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Why This? Why Now?

Thanks for visiting. And as you arrive to this site, I imagine you may be asking yourself these two questions  Why this? And why now?

Why is Scott creating a blog & newsletter again? Why is he doing it now?

Let me answer these questions for you and also explain why this is a benefit for you.

Why this and why now?

Years ago I ran a regular newsletter and blog. However as my work life changed, that became less of a priority. So, the blog went away. :(

The truth is, I really missed it! I enjoy putting together content and sharing it. I’d like to share my experience to help you achieve your personal and business goals. So, it’s time to start sharing again!

Business Changes

Recently, I’ve made a major shift in my business. As you may know, I’ve spent the past year and a half or as the Vice President of Sales & Business Development for NPE. This has been a tremendous experience. Through our efforts, NPE now has a fully functional Business Development program that will contribute millions of dollars to the NPE eco-system, not to mention thousands of leads!

I still retain a contractor role with NPE, but it is time for be to transition back into Business Building mode. Meaning, I’m building the ScoMo brand once more!

Specifically we offer Business Development & Sponsorship education and services. If you’re looking to generate more leads and/or revenue in your business, then we can help! Through the years I’ve developed a specific process to build a Business Development resource for any small business. Through this, business owners can unlock a new revenue stream in their business and develop multiple new sources of warm leads! (If you’d like to learn how, contact me and we’ll set up a time to talk)

How this Benefits You

On a regular basis, I’m in touch with businesses who are up to some great things. I want to share their stories and the cool things they do. I’ll be writing about these here. Also, I frequently see cool tools, resources, links & content that are of a value to Small Business owners. Those will also be shared here on this blog. (Here’s an example)

Implementing and using these tools in your business will assist you in achieving your goals. I’m happy to be a resource for you!

Also, about twice each month, I’ll publish a newsletter showcasing some cool companies, tools, and individuals.  If you’d like to receive a copy, sign up here:

How Can I Serve You?

In the mean time, how can I serve you?

Do you have an event or brand where you’d like to leverage sponsorship?

Are you looking to generate more leads & revenue for your business?

If so, I’d like to be a resource for you. Feel free to Contact Me at anytime to set up a Free Consultation.

To YOUR Success!




Why This? Why Now?

Monday, September 8, 2014

Weekly Roundup - September 8

Each week, I run across all sorts of cool things. Some of it is business related and some isn’t.

Each week, i’ll post a handful of tools or great content that peaks my interested. I won’t do a full write up or summary on these, rather posts things that I find interesting and encourage you to check them out.

I live in Orlando, FL. I saw this billboard the other day advertising the new Jacksonville Jaguars gigantic scoreboard. #TakeThatTexas

Jacksonville Jaguars scoreboard

Good stuff I found this week:

Izea: Get paid to send social media messages.

Signals by HubSpot: Get FREE Gmail plug-in that notifies you when someone opens your email.

Southwest Airlines: What do you think of the new Southwest Airlines look? here’s a cool time lapse video of painting one of their jets.

Friday, September 5, 2014

How and What You Sell Matters

IDuct Tape Selling‘m currently reading John Jantsch’s latest book Duct Tape Selling. It’s great!

The world of selling is changing. As Jantsch’s puts it, you no longer need Sales Representatives. Rather Sales Guides are needed.

I see this daily in the Sponsorship world. As our team works to sell Sponsorship properties, our prospects show up educated. They don’t need someone to convince them the importance of finding new avenues to generate leads & revenue. Rather, they need a professional to guide them in how to accomplish this.

Also, for individual sales reps, the need for personal branding is stronger than ever. You need to have a presence on social media, have a blog, and be known as an expert in your niche. This coupled with the knowledge of how your product or service will benefit someone makes you an extremely valuable sales resource.

There is little need today for a Sales Rep who will convince someone to make a purchase. Rather, now you need to educate someone on how you can help solve their problems. Teaching is the new way of selling. Don’t just know and share information. Rather teach your prospects

What are you doing to ensure you are an EXPERT in your field?

Can your prospects find you online … even the individuals who don’t know they are your prospects yet?

Are you regularly communicating in online locations where your prospects hangout?

How are you leveraging technology to assist you in selling?

Also, what are you selling? Is your product or service truly valuable? Or are you just trying to make a buck?

I hold nothing against making a living for you and your family. But, I think Sales Professionals … at least the ones who are truly committing to being successful … should only represent products or services that truly add value. I’m not saying we all need to sell something that makes the world a happier or better place. Rather, does what your selling truly add value to the person who is purchasing it?

How you sell is just as important as what you sell!









How and What You Sell Matters

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Not Getting What You Want is ...

Remember that not getting what you want is sometimes a wonderful stroke of luck. -Dalai Lama

As I sat down to type today, a few things happened that inspired this post:

  1. I stumbled across this quote by one of the Dalai Lama’s

  2. This morning I heard the song, You Can’t Always Get What You Want by the Rolling Stones

  3. Yesterday, a friend of mine shared with me an interesting story about bad luck that turned good. (Will share with with you in a moment)

Tell me if this has ever happened to you …

You anticipated life to go a certain way; but it didn’t.  Perhaps something you wished or hoped for didn’t work out.

Because of that, you were disappointed or felt dejected.

Later, your life was improved because you didn’t get the thing your originally wanted.

Can you relate?

Boy I can!!!

Yesterday, my good friend Ken gave me a call. I haven’t talked to Ken in 5 months. The last time we spoke, life was kicking him in the nuts. His business wasn’t going well. A few years ago he, his wife, and their kids moved away from their extended family so he could pursue his business. But it wasn’t working as planned.

So they decided to mov back home. Because of that, his business is now thriving!

Ken had expected life to go one way, but it didn’t. So, instead of getting down and dejected, he let the flow of life direct him in a new path and he was successful.

He’s the moral of the story … Set goals! Have dreams! Make plans! Work our butt off to make them a reality.

BUT … when life doesn’t go your way don’t quit or allow life to beat you up.

Instead, “remember that not getting what you want is sometimes a wonderful stroke of luck!”

Has this happened to you? Share your story below where something not working out turned into a stroke of luck!





Not Getting What You Want is ...

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Have the Courage to Pursue Your Dreams

So, I’m a Disney fan! We live close to Disney World and Orlando, FL and frequently take our kids.

I’ve grown to admire what Walk Disney built. He was a true visionary. A man with vision and courage to pursue his dreams.

Do you have the courage to pursue your dreams? Do you even know what your dreams are?

Start there first, list out your dreams. Write them down! Get really clear on them.

Next identify what would need to be accomplish in order for your dream to come true.

From there, list what actions you need to take.

And finally, get working!

Have the courage to pursue your dreams!



Have the Courage to Pursue Your Dreams

Thursday, July 31, 2014

Stand for something

Great quote from one of the 7 books that change my life.

Be sure you stand for something!

Standing for something means have courage in your beliefs and convections, even when no one else is standing with you.

Standing for something means doing what you think is right, even when it’s hard.

It means living life on your terms and not on someone else’s. Do this!

Venture on the path that is right for you. Be clear in your beliefs and your vision for life.

But be clear what you stand for.

Because if Stand for nothing, you’ll fall for anything

What do you stand for?


Stand for something

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Sage Event Management

Sage is perhaps the most professional organization I’ve ever worked with! They’re innovative, easy to work with and will help ensure your event is profitable!

I’ve worked with Bari and her team on on a number of events

  • SANG 2012




I can’t recommend Sage Event Management enough!


Sage Event Management