Thursday, June 18, 2015

Instagram is a Sales Tool? Really?

Yep, Instagram really works as a sales tool. Although, the sales may not come in a way you’d expect. Let me explain …

I’m a blessed man! I’m married to my best friend, we have amazing kids, everyday I get paid to do work I love, my business is growing and I’m truly making a difference.

In 2015, it’s been a goal to give back in some unique ways. One was by creating an Instagram account called Mr.ScoMo that is loaded with content to inspire and motivate others, especially Entrepreneurs.


Little did I realize that I was also creating a sales tool. Here are a few of the things that have happened because of Mr.ScoMo:

    • I’ve been interviewed on multiple podcasts

    • Dozens of individuals have opted in to my free reports (Maybe even you!)

    • Multiple individuals have purchased sponsorship opportunities from me. This has created thousands of dollars of revenue for me and my clients!

    • I’ve made many new contacts in my industry

    • I’m actively finding gigs for a the speakers I’ve connected with on Instagram

And the strange part is that I don’t openly talk about what I do. Instead I try to be a motivator helping others achieve their goals; regardless of what their goals are. But by being me, I’ve been able to attract new business. How cool is that!

This is all on top of my original purpose which was to motivate and inspire others. Plenty of that has happened as well! A few times a week someone reaches out to me thanking me for the account or asking for some help, guidance, or direction. It may be just one Instagram account, but it is making a difference in the lives of some.

So, here are my invitations for you:

  • Follow my account at @Mr.ScoMo

  • Share it with someone else who may be inspired by it’s content

  • Get active on Instagram. Share images of what you do or create pictures with a quote laying over the top

  • Engage with your followers and others in the Instagram community.

If you are on Instagram, let me know. I’ll be happy to plug your account from mine!


To YOUR success,


ScoMo Scott Morrison

Instagram is a Sales Tool? Really?

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Where Your Clients Hang Out

What if you could go to a place where you were surrounded by people who are your ideal customer?networkingeventprepare

Most businesses are busy looking for the one-off sale. Meaning, they identify a prospect and attempt to sell their product/service to them.

Instead of only looking for individuals to sell to, you should also find places where your customers are already hanging out.

How much easier would it be to get new clients?

These places could be anywhere. Social Media sites, online groups or forums, networking events and trade shows.

Do you know where your clients are hanging out?

At live events, you can network your way through the audience or you may be able to speak in front of the whole group. Speaking comes in many shapes & sizes including:

    • Main Stage Keynote

    • Breakout Session

    • Hosting a Luncheon

    • Being a Panelist

Every time you speak, you’re making an impression on your prospects. They are learning about you and your company. They are learning how you can help them.

If you sponsor the event, you’ll likely have a booth or tabletop where attendees can meet with you one on one. This again is a great way to generate new leads and make sales.

Do you have events schedule to attend,

speak at and sponsor for the remainder of 2015? 


If not, I’d be happy to help you out!

To YOUR success,

Scott Morrison

Where Your Clients Hang Out

Friday, February 13, 2015

Small but Mighty

No one or no thing is too small to be great. Take our friend the Tug Boat here. He’s pulling a massive cargo shipped. I imagine just a few of those container on the cargo ship equal the weight of the tug boat.

But, it’s the small tug boat who is pulling the massive cargo ship.

You may be small. You may think your idea is small. Your company many be small. But it is MIGHTY. And it was born for GREATNESS!

Let me know if you agree!



Small but Mighty

How to Write a Mission Statement the Matters

Nearly every company has a Mission Statement.

Too many major corporations have statements that are stuffy and really don’t explain anything. I’ve also read many from small businesses that are plain stupid and don’t help you understand what the organization is all about.

Then there are the ones in the middle. Simple yet elegant. Profound and motivation! Statements like:

Disney: To Make People Happy

– OR –

Amazon: To be the world’s most customer-centric company

I can get behind these and not surprisingly I’m a frequent customer of both of these brands.

So how can YOU write a great mission statement? And why should you anyway?

I found this short video from Dan Heath who is the author of Made to Stick. He gives and entertaining, yet educational explanation on how to write a great mission statement.




How to Write a Mission Statement the Matters

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Are you carrying your weight?

We all have a role to play. EVERYONE has someone who counts on them. Are you doing your part? Are you carrying your weight?

Are you carrying your weight?

Monday, February 9, 2015

The world is plotting ...

For years, I’ve repeated this #affirmation to myself every day. And everyday it’s been true.

The world does plot to bring good things our way, if we’re open to receive them. Too often, our hearts are hardened. We aren’t looking for the good or for the opportunity. If instead you are open to the good, you’ll see it abundantly flow into your life.

I suppose this is part of why I love working with entrepreneurs so much. It’s the group of people on earth with the most optimism, passion and enthusiasm that I’ve ever encountered.

So today my fellow #entrepreneurs, CARRY ON! Today, the world is plotting to do YOU good today … and I can’t wait to see what it is!

The world is plotting ...

Friday, February 6, 2015

Will you break? Or break a record?

Everyone faces adversity. Everyone faces trails and tough times. It’s what you do in those moments that define you!

I follow a simple formula in life. I learned this from @jackcanfield

Event + Response = Outcome

How will you respond to what happens to you today? Will you break? Or will you break a record?

Follow my man @jrerdeg on Instagram!

Will you break? Or break a record?

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Her vision and drive

Everyday of my life, I thank God for the amazing ‘keeper’ I married almost 15 years ago. Her vision and drive truly are motivating to me. She makes me a better man and encourages me to be my best self.

Double tap, then tag the Keeper in your life!

Her vision and drive

Leap and grow your wings on the way down

Leap and grow your wings on the way down. Put all your bets on you, and on your ability to achieve your goals. Throw caution to the wind! If you have a catastrophic set-back…know that you have the power to over come it.

If you lose a job, you will find another one, or create one.

If you make some mistakes…learn from them, and come back again. This is a time to use your talents, skills, and resourcefulness to make a radical change and take your life to the next level. Remind yourself everyday…that you’re in it to win it. You are your most valuable asset. Do what you need to do to make it happen! You deserve.

-Les Brown

Leap and grow your wings on the way down

You Only Live Once

As fast as we know it, you only get one shot at life. So make the best of it!

Everyday, live the life you want. Do the things that are important to you. Spend time with those you love most. Be the person you want to be.

You never know when you won’t have a tomorrow, so make the most of today.


You Only Live Once

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Mindset is Everything

It all starts in your mind. Your thoughts lead to your actions. You mindset also dictates you mood and what you’ll accomplish.

Here’s what Russell Wilson had to say. He’s one of the starting QB’s in today’s Super Bowl and knows a thing or two about success:

“I truly believe in positive synergy, that your positive mindset gives you a more hopeful outlook, and belief that you can do something great means you will do something great.”

Do something great today!


Mindset is Everything

Friday, January 30, 2015


Be Confident in who you are. Don’t worry what other’s think about you. Be yourself … your BEST self! You’ll attract the right people into your life.


10 Powerful Habits Of The Super Successful (Infographic)


I found this today at:






10 Powerful Habits Of The Super Successful (Infographic)

Steer a Course

If you could go anywhere, where would you like to go? Not in terms of vacations, but in your life. Your answer to that question does a lot to determine whether or not you’re successful. You see, we’re all on a journey, whether we know it or now. We are traveling inevitably toward the ends of our lives. So the real question for us is whether we’re going to select a destination and steer a course for it, or allow ourselves to be swept along with the tide, letting others determine where we’ll end up. The choice is entirely up to us.

– John Maxwell in Your Road Map for Success

Steer a Course

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Execution is Worshipped

Everyone has an idea (or 100)! Ideas are easy.

Innovation is better. Figure out a way to improve or innovate.

But the best of all is execution. What can you get done? What did you complete? No one can ever take execution away from you.

What are you executing on today?

Execution is Worshipped

Ask for help

People will be your greatest asset in life. You can’t do everything on your own.

This is something I’ve struggled with for a long time. I’m great at just taking on responsibility and doing it on my own.

But a smarter way is to ask for help. There are people out there who want to help. All you have to do is ask!


Ask for help

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Be so good they can't ignore you

I’m often asked how to get more clients and how to grow your business. The BEST way I know is to be incredibly good at what you do. Notice I didn’t say the easiest way. Being this good requires time, effort, commitment, passion and determination.

Most people won’t make an effort to be that good. They’ll want to, but they won’t do what it takes.

If you can be better than those people, then you’ll have all the clients and business you’ll ever want.

Yes, it’s really that easy!

Be so good they can't ignore you

I'm All In

Whatever it is you are doing, be all in! Don’t do it half way, do your very best!


I'm All In

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Opportunity is calling. Are you ready?

Are you ready for the week ahead? Spend some time today preparing for the week will ensure you are more productive during the coming week.

Opportunity is calling. Are you ready?

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

It's not business, it's personal

Some of you will disagree with me on this. You’ll tell me that it’s not personal, it’s business. But you’d be wrong.

Here’s what the legendary James Altucher

Nobody succeeded with a great idea.

Everyone succeeded because they built networks within networks of connections, friends, colleagues all striving towards their own personal goals, all trusting each other, and working together to help each other succeed.

This is what happens only over time. This is why giving creates a bigger world because you can never predict what will happen years later.

So being successful is ALWAYS personal. You need to build up people in order to become successful

Want to learn more about James? Check out this blog post from him:

It's not business, it's personal

You have to figure out what you want

You have to figure out what you want. If you don’t, you’ll only have the leftovers from everyone else who did!

You have to figure out what you want

It's not business, it's personal

Some of you will disagree with me on this. You’ll tell me that it’s not personal, it’s business. But you’d be wrong.

Here’s what the legendary James Altucher had to say …

Nobody succeeded with a great idea.

Everyone succeeded because they built networks within networks of connections, friends, colleagues all striving towards their own personal goals, all trusting each other, and working together to help each other succeed.

This is what happens only over time. This is why giving creates a bigger world because you can never predict what will happen years later.

So being successful is ALWAYS personal. You need to build up people in order to become successful

Want to learn more about James? Check out this blog post from him:

It's not business, it's personal

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Stay Focused

Even though it’s the weekend, stay focused on your goals. Don’t let the weekend be a reason to get unfocused.

Stay Focused

Thursday, January 1, 2015

How To Make 2015 Your Best Year Yet!

Make 2015 Your Best Year Yet!So let me get straight to the point. This post is all about Goal Setting! I’m a huge goal setting. Once I started to really set and work towards goals in my life, everything got better!

With today being the first day of 2015, I’m going to guess that many of you are setting New Years Resolutions. Awesome!

Here are 7 Steps to help you make 2015 your best year yet!

1) Make your goals SMARTER

You’ve likely heard the acronym for SMART which stands for

S – Specific (Be Very Clear on what you want to accomplish)

M – Measurable (It needs to be something you can measure)

A – Actionable (Be in Actions. Start your goal with an action verb)

R – Realistic (Push yourself, but also ensure it’s something you can accomplish)

T – Time-bound (Set a deadline)

I learned while taking Michael Hyatt’s Five Days to your Best Year Ever course the E & the R of this acronym

E – Exciting (This has to get your juices flowing!)

R – Relevant (Be sure it fits into what’s important to you in your life)

 Be sure your goals meet all of these criteria.


2) Be complete with your past

You’ll never be able to accomplish your goals if you’re still holding on to your issues from the past.

Nothing will sabotage your goals more than uncompleted business. Your internal self talk may convince you that you can’t achieve your goal or aren’t worthy to do so.

Stop it!

Get complete with unfinished business. Is there something you know you need to say to someone else so you’ll feel better? Is there a project you haven’t completed yet? Whatever it is, now is the time to get complete!

3) Write down your goals

You’d be shocked at how many people don’t write down their goals. Writing down your goals cements them in your conscience. You now have real intention to accomplish the goal. It’s also a point of reference to remind yourself of what you set.

I have a good friend who tells me he has a new goal every time I see him. However, he rarely accomplishes any. Why? Because he never writes them now and he’s never focused on accomplishing them.

Writing down your goals will help you be focused on doing the work necessary to accomplish them.


4) Identify your why

This is perhaps the most powerful step. Setting goals are important, but being clear on why you set that goal is perhaps even more important.

At some point while working towards a goal, you’re going to hit what @MichaelHyatt calls the “Messy Middle.” This is where you are far away from achieving your goal and may be questioning if its still a worthwhile endeavor. You’ll need to refer back to why you set this goal to begin with.

I refer to my why’s every week when reviewing my goals. This keeps me focused and driven to accomplishing my goals. Remember: The Why is the reason to accomplish the goal!


5) Review your goals regularly

This is the perhaps the most powerful step to help you in accomplishing your goal. Don’t count on your memory here. Instead, review your goals on a regular basis.

At the very least, review your goals each week. Schedule a good 30 minutes or so where you can review each goal, measure your progress towards it, then plan and schedule next actions.

If you don’t do this, then at the end of the year, you won’t have accomplished what you set out to do. Review on a regular basis.


6) Immediately take action

Once you’ve set a new goal, immediately take action on it. This doesn’t have to be a major step, but at least do something.

If you’re goal is to read a certain amount of books this year, then read your first chapter.

If you’re goal is to lose a certain amount of pounds, then schedule you’re workouts for the coming month.

You get the point. Get in action immediately! Do something!


7) Set a push goal

I give credit to Chalene Johnson & Michael Hyatt for teaching me this one!

When you create a set of goals, determine one that is your ‘push’ goal. A push goal is the one goal on your list that if achieved would make all or most of the other goals possible or easier to achieve.

So determine which one of your push goal, then focus your attention here.



How To Make 2015 Your Best Year Yet!

365 New Days. 365 New Chances.

It’s a new year! What are you going to do?

365 New Days. 365 New Chances.