Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Who to focus on …

As I’ve built my business, I’ve struggled with focusing from time to time. There is so much to do. Who and what should I focus on?

There is so much I COULD do. I can work one-on-one with clients, I can build a product, I can sell or consult…oh and what about social media?!


I know many of you like me have ‘Shiny Object Syndrome.’ Meaning you chase the shiny object because it’s exciting.

And, yes it is exciting … but it’s also the path to FAILURE. On top of that, all of these ideas often lead to inaction.

Have you ever felt paralyzed because you had too many ideas and were not sure which to pursue first? I sure have.

Let me share with you what you should focus on. This isn’t my unique idea. It comes from one of my favorite books “Shift Your Mind Shift the World” by Steve Chandler.

“I want to focus on the end user of my service. It’s a surefire way out of self-doubt. It’s a way out of fear – to focus on the end user.

Think about the person out there in life who is longing to receive your service; someone who would really benefit from your E-book, or from your consoling or your product. Someone who would really benefit if you communicated with them and game them what you had. Keep your focus on them because that will get you back into action.” (Page. 15)

So start there; get a clear vision of the person out there who NEEDS what you offer. The person who would consider your arrival an answer to a prayer.

Now, what would you say to that person? How would you talk to them? What would you share? What would you offer?

More importantly, what would you give them first?

If it’s advice, then write an e-book or blog post containing the information you would share with them.

If instead you would provide them a service, then find someone you can provide that service for. Search online for individuals you could help and serve. Then CALL THEM and offer your services.

In other words, take action … because taking action is the ONLY way you’ll be able to accomplish your goals.


Who to focus on …

Friday, October 17, 2014

This Doesn't Happen Very Often

I couldn’t tell you the last time this has happened to me! I have some extra bandwidth right now and can to pick up an extra client or two.

Seriously, this hasn’t happened for years! My wife’s excited about it. She keeps adding to my “Honey Do-List”. HELP ME!

I’m wrapping up work for a major client that has taken much my focus for nearly 2 years! We set up some killer Sponsorship Programs and Strategic Alliances. That company is positioned to scale & grow for years to come!

Now, I’d like to do the same for other brands. Here are some of the things I can help you with:

  • Create and sell Sponsorship packages for your event, podcast, property or brand

  • Build Partnership programs to attract the right Strategic Alliances to generate new leads, sales & revenue

  • Turn your ideas into reality … more specifically help you determine which of your ideas you should pursue and how to ensure they are successful

  • Install the right systems & processes to ensure your company is ready to scale & grow

If you’d like to explore how we can work together, please contact me by completing this form.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Weekly Roundup for Oct. 7

I frequently run across all sorts of cool things. Some of it is business related and some isn’t.

Each week, I post a handful of tools or great content that peaks my interested. I don’t write a full summary on these. Instead, I posts things that I find interesting and encourage you to check them out.

Great tools I bumped into this week

Canva – best free online tool I’ve found for making images and texts for social media

Iconosquare – great resource for Instagram stats. Find out what your followers are liking and when so you can privde them with better content. Measure key metrics about your Instagram account.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Wake up with DETERMINATION - Go to bed with SATISFACTION

Such a simple formula to live by! Wake up with DETERMINATION!

What are you going to accomplish today?

What would you going to get done?

How will you progress?

How will you help?

Then it’s time to … HUSTLE!

If you do that, you’ll then Go to bed with SATISFACTION!

Live EVERY day this way, you’ll accomplish your goals!



Wake up with DETERMINATION - Go to bed with SATISFACTION