Friday, July 11, 2014

There is no elevator to success

Ponce Inlet LighthouseThere is no elevator to success, you have to take the stairs.

I learned that this is a lot of truth in this statement this past weekend!

We visited the Ponce Inlet lighthouse with my kids in Ponce Inlet, FL. The lighthouse stands 175 feet (17.5 stories) high and is a 230 step hike to the top. It’s the tallest lighthouse in Florida and one of the tallest in the United States. Built in 1835, there certainly isn’t an elevator that will take you to the top.

Together, 3 of my kids and myself trooped to the top. Physically, the climb wasn’t that bad. However for my 9 year old son, he learned towards the top he had a fear of heights.

I’ve never seen this kid so petrified in his life! He was visibly shaking and nearly crying.

However, he made it to the top, then back down again.

At the bottom, I encouraged him to make the climb again. This time to destroy his fear of heights.

He did!

It took some work and a lot of courage, but he made it to the top of the lighthouse once more.

Over the next few days, he’s asked me to take him to the light tower again so he could climb it a few more times.


This isn’t just a clever saying for our family Instead, I find this very true!

There is no elevator to success, you have to take the stairs.



There is no elevator to success

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