Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Why This? Why Now?

Thanks for visiting. And as you arrive to this site, I imagine you may be asking yourself these two questions  Why this? And why now?

Why is Scott creating a blog & newsletter again? Why is he doing it now?

Let me answer these questions for you and also explain why this is a benefit for you.

Why this and why now?

Years ago I ran a regular newsletter and blog. However as my work life changed, that became less of a priority. So, the blog went away. :(

The truth is, I really missed it! I enjoy putting together content and sharing it. I’d like to share my experience to help you achieve your personal and business goals. So, it’s time to start sharing again!

Business Changes

Recently, I’ve made a major shift in my business. As you may know, I’ve spent the past year and a half or as the Vice President of Sales & Business Development for NPE. This has been a tremendous experience. Through our efforts, NPE now has a fully functional Business Development program that will contribute millions of dollars to the NPE eco-system, not to mention thousands of leads!

I still retain a contractor role with NPE, but it is time for be to transition back into Business Building mode. Meaning, I’m building the ScoMo brand once more!

Specifically we offer Business Development & Sponsorship education and services. If you’re looking to generate more leads and/or revenue in your business, then we can help! Through the years I’ve developed a specific process to build a Business Development resource for any small business. Through this, business owners can unlock a new revenue stream in their business and develop multiple new sources of warm leads! (If you’d like to learn how, contact me and we’ll set up a time to talk)

How this Benefits You

On a regular basis, I’m in touch with businesses who are up to some great things. I want to share their stories and the cool things they do. I’ll be writing about these here. Also, I frequently see cool tools, resources, links & content that are of a value to Small Business owners. Those will also be shared here on this blog. (Here’s an example)

Implementing and using these tools in your business will assist you in achieving your goals. I’m happy to be a resource for you!

Also, about twice each month, I’ll publish a newsletter showcasing some cool companies, tools, and individuals.  If you’d like to receive a copy, sign up here:

How Can I Serve You?

In the mean time, how can I serve you?

Do you have an event or brand where you’d like to leverage sponsorship?

Are you looking to generate more leads & revenue for your business?

If so, I’d like to be a resource for you. Feel free to Contact Me at anytime to set up a Free Consultation.

To YOUR Success!




Why This? Why Now?

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